RabbitMQ on Docker

RabbitMQ on Docker

RabbitMQ on Docker using official image is easy. It is well documented here.

Note: This is to be used only on developer machine.

Running RabbitMQ official docker image

Pull docker image
    docker pull rabbitmq:3

Now run it
    docker run -d --hostname my-rabbit -p 5672:5672 —name rabbitMQ rabbitmq:3

--hostname: RabbitMQ stores data based on what it calls as "node-name" which defaults to hostname. In docker, this is a problem. We may end up with a different hostname each time we run it. So it is better to provide a hostname to use.

-p : we expose port 5672 inside docker container as 5672 on localhost. Other ports it exposes are 4369/tcp, 5671/tcp, 25672/tcp
--name: this is name of image

Running RabbitMQ with UI

In above docker image, we do not get RabbitMQ UI. Or the management console.
So we use a different image to get a management console too.
    docker run -d --hostname local-rabbit -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 --name rabbitMQ rabbitmq:3-management

Now open management console as

Passwords are default: guest/guest

- rabbit queue declared as "transient" is lost on restart.
- rabbit queue declared as "durable" is not lost on container restart. However data within it is lost.
- any type of rabbit queue is lost when container is removed and recreated.

Other important configurations

Adding a vhost

Use environment variable

Adding default user and password

Not sure if as a developer you would want to do it. But you can use environment variable.
